The Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework (RKEDF) aims to ensure Bournemouth University researchers have access to the support required to make a step change in their research activity and performance, strengthening the opportunities for career progression, retention of high-performing staff, and acceleration of research income. The RKEDF offers a range of standalone workshops, structured courses, and online resources. These are delivered by BU staff with topic expertise or external facilitators. In addition to many individual events, the RKEDF includes several targeted and cohort-based courses each year.
Research staff and other staff
To increase the research activity across Bournemouth University, particularly in terms of the proportion of staff engaged actively in research, by providing research training and development to all academic staff to accelerate the development and sustainability of their research culture and capacity.
The aim of the Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework (RKEDF) is to ensure Bournemouth University researchers have access to the support required to make a step change in their research activity and performance, strengthening the opportunities for career progression, retention of high-performing staff, and acceleration of our research income. The RKEDF offers a range of targeted opportunities for academics at all career stages to develop their skills, knowledge, and capabilities in relation to research and knowledge exchange. The RKEDF offers a range of standalone workshops, structured courses, and online resources, delivered by either BU staff with topic expertise or external facilitators, as individual events, and targeted- or cohort-based courses each year.
The main challenge with academic engagement was around time and workload to enable space for the RKEDF. This was resolved through regular meetings with the Deputy Deans for providing updates on Concordat and value of the RKEDF, as well as effective, regular and timely management within the faculties enabling and supporting CPD.
In addition to this, we:
Qualitative and quantitative feedback from academics engaged with the RKEDF. Examples of feedback include:
The RKEDF also aims to track career progression longitudinally after training, taking 'snapshots' of career status pre- and post-training, as well as at one- and three years after training.
The RKEDF resulted in developing new research within the BU Professoriate to understand their needs and aspirations as they continue on their trajectory towards being global leaders in their subjects.
Beneficiaries: Research staff Postgraduate researchers Research and teaching staff Managers of researchers
Stakeholders: Researchers Managers of researchers Professional staff Senior/executive team
Concordat principles: Professional and career development
Keywords: Training Professional development Research culture Career progression Leadership development Recognition